
How Are Weather Maps Made?


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Meteorological stations in accordance with uniform regulations throughout the time observation, the collected information on wind, clouds, atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity and other meteorological data, using a variety of weather symbols according to a certain format, specifically designed to fill in a blank map, this Figure is the weather map.
Drawing on the ground weather map

The weather map on the ground, drawing out the important parts of weather phenomena (such as precipitation, high winds, thunderstorms, etc.) of the regional context, to draw cold front, warm front, quasi-stationary front location, draw the whole figure isobaric lines, marked low-pressure , high pressure, its center and strength. After analysis, you can clearly see from the graph at the time pressure situation: Where is the high pressure, where is the low-pressure, warm and cold air battle zone where it is. For the front of the drawing, the ground plan to weather maps corresponding to 850 millibars frontal analysis. As a general theory in the general vicinity of front accompanied by rainfall, the weather front analysis of the distribution is clearly marked. Warm front is preceded by stratiform clouds and continuous rain, most of the cold front associated with cumulus clouds and thunderstorms in the system (see Figure: A cold front in case of cloud and rain weather). However, specific to the particular situation, all kinds of weather charts through a common analysis of several people in order to lower the pressure from the system and the upper west wind fluctuations, the temperature distribution, temperature distribution, the relationship between the jet and so on, clear and three-dimensional atmospheric image line. For this reason, analysts should always emerge in the minds of high and low pressure modes such as three-dimensional image. Even worse, sometimes warm front is also accompanied by cumulus clouds and thunderstorms in the system. This time alone the experience of weather, a full explanation of all the weather phenomena is very difficult. Surface weather map on the cold front, marked with blue logo, red warm front, stationary front with blue-red, occluded front with purple, ITCZ with brown, low in red capital letters "D", said high-pressure uppercase letters with a blue "G" said. Map on the ground, precipitation zones in green, thunderstorms area with red, yellow fog area, winds or sandstorms area with brown, outlined its scope. At this time, a complete surface weather maps on the drawing better.

Draw high-altitude weather map

High-altitude weather chart to fill in the weather elements are the same isobaric surface height of various points, thus rendering the analysis of the contour lines separated by a certain value. Contour drawing is getting better, we can see that when the air pressure at high altitude situation: Where is the low pressure trough, where a ridge of high pressure, and then draw the isotherms, marked heating and cooling centers. Center and the trough of low pressure from the heating and cooling, high-pressure ridge is configured, forecasters can make the future less pressure situation judgments.

For the high-altitude weather maps, first of all drawn contours, isotherms. The sea surface to the specified isobaric surface height (unit: Potential m) with each of 60 potential meter contour analysis. However, the 300 millibar surface potential of each 120 m draw contour lines. A wide interval of high summer, when the line drawn with the dotted line 30 potential m contour interval. Isotherms in general every 3 degrees with brown or red pencil drawing isotherms. Many places in the observed data, using interpolation can be quite accurate analysis of the out of place in a small observation data, such as the sea, making forecasting more difficult to analyze. Such places isotherm analysis, the use of its isobaric surface closer to the upper and the lower the average temperature between the surface pressure distribution. High-altitude weather map on the slot line, ridge line were used to brown thick solid line and thick dotted lines marked brown.

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