Visit This site has the images, you will need to go with the list of laboratory apparatus mentioned here to answer your question. The list is based on the common laboratory apparatus you might find. It is in no way inclusive, as there are other equipment items you might need, depending on the type of experiments you might do.
- Test Tube
- Test Tube Rack
- Test Tube Holder
- Reagent Bottle
- Beaker
- Bunsen Burner
- Stand and Clamp
- Crucible
- Measuring Cylinder
- Dropper
- Electronic Balance
- Filter Funnel
- Evaporating Dish
- Flat Bottomed Flask
- Safety Glasses
- Mortar and Pestle
- Round Bottomed Flask
- Tripod
- Spatula
- Wire Gauze
- Plastic Wash Bottle
- Triple Beam